So I went for a haircut Friday, my day off! Got back to my place, changed into some sleepy clothes and was about to take a nap... gotta wash my hair first... so I do... then reach for the towel and OUCH! I slip my finger across the edge on the lil flap on top of the roll of TP! It hurt, but not too bad! I was drying my hair... and felt something running down my face, yup, blood! So I look at my finger and man now its throbbin! So I grab a washcloth and applied pressure and yelled! Then I started feelin it throb and felt a lil woozie, so I called John and he came to my room, took a look, and while we rinsed it out, we agreed I needed stitches! Off to the TMC (tactical medical center). A tetanus shot, few shots of liadocaine and 5 stitches ( I think) and I am back to fighting fire and saving lives! I forgot my camera, but had my phone that's why the pics are not that great... but hey, I did get pics! Not to worry... i am recovering well, and got up to run the morning after! I figure if the TP roll didn't get me... they may try a plunger or something next! I'll be ready!
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