Friday, August 10, 2007

Re: Fwd: New Picasa Web Albums Activity

Hey I can't find the email that has the passwords to log on on the BFF site. Can on of Y'all send it so I can share my photos? That Sergeant George guy has been hounding me!
Oh yeah, Andrea washed my phone in the laundry. A few days ago I asked her if there was a hat in the dryer because it was making a loud noise. She checked and it was my phone...that's right it made it all the way to the dryer. Needless to say I am phoneless, at least until payday. Thanks to technology all the numbers I had were conviently stored in the phone. I have no idea how to get a hold of anyone since I don't know any numbers. I guess I'll actually have to start checking my emails. I'll probably start up a G-mail account soon since I get so much spam on Yahoo.



George said...

Man, How are you gonna try and blame your wife for washing your phone... She had it in her pocket? And forgot to take it out? hmm... not fair! Shoulda bought that insurance ! If your sim card still works, I may have a phone for you!

Andrea said...

why the hell is my husband taking pics of girls in their bathing suit? he deserves a slap for that one!

Unknown said...

He was taking a photo of George and I think I bumped into him..

Hick said...

Uh...Yeah. Yeah!

Unknown said...

Funny story,, Tyler just said, HUH HUH I took that picture dad... LOL