Saturday, August 18, 2007

One from tonight...


BFF Project said...

Nice pic fellas...Hey G or Thoe ask Hick or Jeremy if they ever check there gmail???
God Bless You MSgt Deshields on your special Day Monday!!!

Unknown said...

Come on, we all know Hick get's on about once a week and Jeremy very rarely does... LOL

Anonymous said...

Just for your info...I am on at least once a day, I just never do anything to it. lol

Anonymous said...

Ok so they get on Gmail, they just don't respond to emails...ha! and I thought I was bad!and Hick My Wami is working so far on the surf!!!

Anonymous said...

You sure did pull of the whami thanks! POSER! I got some unorganized belly high closeouts. The grommies and jellies have been real bad. I got stung about 5 times today! Thanks Bro, now can you reverse the hex?